Kentucky publisher praises Medicaid waiver
The Trump administration's decision to make Kentucky the first step to receive approval for its 1115 Medicaid waiver request, which includes Gov. Bevin's requirement that able-bodied adults added to the Medicaid rolls as part of the Obamacare-induced expansion work or volunteer in order to receive benefits, receives praise in a recent column by Jobe Publishing's president and CEO Jeff Jobe.
Jobe calls Bevin's leadership related to reforming Kentucky's Medicaid expansion an act of "compassion but yet good honest government stewardship" and says that it will "lead not only Kentucky, but soon the nation, on a path of changing lives, showing we are indeed a compassionate people and getting back to honoring the hard-working tax payers by making sure our programs are indeed going to those in need."
Jobe also offers a relevant personal story.
Read his commentary here.