More on governor’s foul ups with board of education appointments

The Courier-Journal added more information on line in the evening of July 5, 2012 about an earlier, mistaken article that said Governor Beshear had appointed David Karem to be chair of the Kentucky Board of Education.

Apparently, the governor thought he had such authority and issued a proclamation on July 2, 2012 naming Karem not only to another four-year term on the Kentucky Board of Education but also as chair of the board.

Beshear now has had to withdraw that first proclamation because the governor does not have the authority to select the board’s chair. Members of the board select their own head.

With Beshear in his second term, you kind of have to wonder how this mistake regarding the authority of the governor snuck through.

You also have to wonder why the Courier didn’t catch the governor’s error before they wrote their first article.

But, wait! There’s more!

The governor’s appointment letter for "Leo Calderon" to the Kentucky Board of Education also has a technical problem.

I’m told that his legal name is actually Leonel Calderon. It looks like the governor’s office needs to generate more corrective paper and owes Mr. Calderon an apology, as well.

Overall, this is becoming a good example of why we need government transparency and lots of eyes on what goes on in government. The Kentucky Board of Education is a very important organization, having a major say in the expenditure of billions of tax dollars annually. We need due and careful attention paid to its manning and a good understanding by all of what sort of powers this board actually has.

The governor still needs to name two more replacements to the board. I hope he will do this wisely and carefully.