Prefiled bills seek to end legislator pensions

20120627 pension worse

20120627 pension worse

In a recent press release, state representative David Floyd, R-Bardstown made it known that he has prefiled legislation for the 2013 General Assembly session that would end the practice of bestowing lucrative public pension benefits to Kentucky's part-time legislators.

That is certainly one way to attack the state's egregious unfunded public pension liability.

The proposed legislation would see the end of enrollment in the system in August 2013 and would also allow current legislators to opt out of the system.

Kentucky's public pension system is out of control. The Bluegrass Institute's recent Gold Rush exposé outlines many of the ways that legislators have worked to enhance their pensions through legislation over the past 50 years. This type of abuse has contributed to a $34 billion unfunded liability that is  financially breaking the state.

It is past time to take a serious look at reforming the current system. Hopefully legislation of this nature being proposed indicates the willingness of Kentucky's leadership to finally address what has become what Lowell Reese, author of Future Shock: Kentucky Politicians' Opulent Pensions Have Become A Modern-Day Gold Rush, calls a "societal issue."