Quote of the day: Kentucky's pension crisis certainly didn't encourage Toyota
"Toyota leaving Kentucky for Texas is a major blow to the entire state of Kentucky, and think is the most visible sign of the effect of the Kentucky State Pension Crisis. As I point out in my book 'Kentucky Fried Pensions' Kentucky and Illinois are in a class by themselves as far as underfunded pensions. Texas and Indiana have both publicly declared an economic development strategy of taking jobs from Illinois. In August 2013 on the Mandy Connell show (WHAS-84 AM Radio in Louisville) I discussed my book 'Kentucky Fried Pensions,' and immediately following Mandy interviewed Mike Pence the Governor of Indiana, who urged Kentucky business to move across the river where they have a healthy 80% funded pension. Many believe this was one of the major reasons Amazon chose Jeffersonville, IN. over a KY site. Now it looks like Texas governor has his first Kentucky theft in Toyota. Will there be more?" --Chris Tobe, author of "Kentucky Fried Pensions" Click here to read "Future Shock," the Bluegrass Institute's reports on the Bluegrass State's public-pension crisis.