Social Studies Standards: Your input requested
As I wrote recently the Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) is slowing down its adoption timetable for highly problematic changes to the state’s social studies standards to allow a public comment period. That period will end on December 5, 2014.So, now is the time to let the KBE hear your thoughts about whether it's OK to not even mention the Kentucky State Constitution or major historical events, including every major war from the Revolution to the Civil War to both world wars, Vietnam and even the Persian Gulf War. By not even mentioning these major historical markers, it's doubtful whether they will be taught in the classroom, which means many Kentucky children are likely not to learn about them.
I hope a lot of people spend some time on this and make helpful suggestions; so here are some tools to get you started:
Our blogs:
• Kentucky teacher speaks out about state’s proposed social studies standards• Kentucky teachers sound off about proposed social studies standards
• What’s missing in Kentucky’s proposed social studies standards?
• Some REAL social studies standards Kentucky should look at
Here are more tools:
The MUCH better standard from Massachusetts (we could adopt pretty much as is or use as a model)
There is a quick response site for inputs here. However, that SurveyMonkey site might overly restrict and channel your suggestions, so don’t be afraid to write a letter that says it exactly the way you want it to. Send to:
Kentucky Board of Education
c/o Kentucky Department of Education
501 Mero Street
Frankfort, KY 40601.
Now, go do some homework so Kentucky’s kids can really get a good social studies education!