The free education movement in digital learning
We have talked a lot about the power of digital learning in our recent video series. A growing movement of reputable colleges and universities offering free courses online has just recently seen some big publicity. Harvard, Stanford, University of Michigan, and the University of Pennsylvania are among many of the universities that are offering free online courses for anyone who wants to take advantage. The courses are anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks and cover subjects as diverse as genome science and finance. Upon completion, students receive a certificate.
The opportunity is billed as being advantageous to those who want to pad their resume, further their career or even just expand their knowledge base.
This is just the beginning. Online and digital learning will surely be on the rise for years to come. It would be ideal if this innovation could be applied to Kentucky's public schools. Imagine the advantages for students who could further study specific areas of interest, take advantage of long distance learning, and gain skill sets not currently offered by traditional brick and mortar schools!
What will it take to move this forward in Kentucky?