Who owns America?

In a recent column in Lexington's TOPS Magazine, financial advisor Tom Dupree -- a supporter of liberty and free markets -- asks important questions that policymakers in Frankfort and Washington need to consider.

"Is America owned by those who have the power to tax and confiscate away things that others have worked to build and own?" Dupree queried. "Or is America owned by those who love it and who will continue to build and rebuild that which is taken from them or destroyed?"

While Dupree was responding primarily to the election of President Obama and the concerns over his collectivist policies, he made some salient points that should be considered as state lawmakers begin another legislative session and consider tax reform, which so often is politician-speak for "tax increase."

Frankfort's confiscatory policies -- as well as those heaped upon us by Washington -- often take from the producers, who, as Dupree puts it, "have no say in whether or not they pay it and for what it will be used."

It relates to a question we've asked many times at the Bluegrass Instiute: Who knows better how to spend your hard-earned money, educate your children and determine your future -- government or the producers?

Read Dupree's complete column by clicking here and then going to Page 98.Also, check out "The Tom Dupree Show" Saturdays from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Lexington's NewsRadio 630 WLAP-AM, or at www.wlap.com.