In the latest Kentucky public school example of kids-are-just-a-bounty mentality, the Pulaski County Public Schools just ended a long-standing student transfer agreement with the better performing Science Hill Independent School District.
A quick look at the latest EXPLORE test results shows why Pulaski County was losing students – Science Hill is definitely doing a better job of educating kids.
The news coverage in the Somerset Commonwealth-Journal comes right out and says it – this decision was all about going after state SEEK student dollars, not about what might be best for students.
The Commonwealth-Journal summarized:
“The issue of school choice is a nationwide issue gaining more attention, not just one dealt with here locally.”
Rick Walker, the superintendent at Science Hill, said:
“Different schools meet different children’s’ needs and families are the best ones to determine the best school for their child.
The day we start looking at dollar signs rather than human beings is the day we need to get out of education.”