The AP US History squabble continues
The huge ruckus over the revision to the Advanced Placement US History (APUSH) course that launched in our schools at the beginning of the new term continues with this shot from Stanley Kurtz at the National Review Online.
I’m beginning to think the new APUSH course would have been far less problematic if it had not stumbled over a truth in labeling gaffe. If the course had been titled correctly as something like "A Study of The Disadvantaged and Poor Policy Choices in US History," things would have been less controversial.
But, the more I read, calling APUSH a “survey” course in US history is problematic labeling, and the criticism seems to be mounting steadily. Certainly, a supposed “survey” (which one online source defines as “a general view, examination, or description of someone or something”) of US history that ignores and does not even mention important individuals like Ben Franklin and James Madison is guaranteed to generate huge push back.
The College Board, which publishes the AP courses, gets no gold star for this mess.