Young freedom-loving citizen: Anti-coal groups need coal to get their enviro-radical message out!

Seth Schattner

Seth Schattner

You hear so many news reports from environmental groups about how we need to stop the evil coal industry.   Coal is evil! It causes global warming! It drowns polar bears!  It will turn you into a mutant!

A lot of these activists need to stop and think about how they themselves rely on coal no matter how much they protest otherwise.

What powers the computer that these environmentalist bloggers use to slam coal?  Electricity.

What powers the lights of these studios that activists use to rail against coal’s carbon footprint?  Electricity.

What powers the machines that make the clothing for all these activists?  Electricity Coal provides around 95 percent of our state’s electricity and 56 percent of the nation’s electricity.  It’s cheaper to harness than a lot of other forms of energy that these environmentalist groups suggest such as solar and wind.

Isn’t it kind of self-defeating for these groups to rail against coal when they wouldn’t be able to get their message out without it?Lexington resident Seth Schattner received a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Northern Kentucky University in December 2012.