Common Core revolt in New York heats up: Principals reject new Common Core test results

Reaction to the first year of Common Core State Standards aligned testing in New York has been dramatic.

In lower Manhattan, large numbers of parents boycotted the tests when they were administered.

Now, 15 New York City upper level school principals say:

…they will no longer be using results from a controversial new state test as part of their middle and high school admissions criteria.”

Meanwhile, the head of the dominant teachers union in New York City, the American Federation of Teachers, has called for a moratorium on using the tests to evaluate teachers. The union says teachers have not been given enough time and support to prepare to teach to the new standards.

By the way, the New York tests are created by Pearson Publishers.

That’s the same company that creates Kentucky’s K-PREP tests for grades 3 through 8.Since both state’s tests are supposed to be based on the same standards, I wonder if the actual tests are similar. Something to think about.