Testing errors in the news

But, the articles can be hard to find!!The Kentucky Enquirer ran an article about a week ago titled “IN OUR SCHOOLS: Glitches follow testing switch,” that talks not only about the computer-based problems that showed up in multiple states, but also about Kentucky dropping scoring for accountability with the high school end-of-course exam constructed-response questions (often called written-response questions).

This is based on our Bluegrass Institute News Release in early May which is the first time the public received information about the existence of this very important written-answer testing problem.

The only issue with the Enquirer’s article is that you have to really work to find the information. If you click on the link to the article above, you need to scroll down to the sidebar article on the left titled, “HISTORY OF THE COMMON CORE.” At the bottom of this sidebar, which only shows part of the sidebar entry, you then must click on the “v more” button to reveal the “TESTING ERRORS IN THE NEWS” item. Whew!

But, at least one more major Kentucky news source is starting to discuss this problem, which still remains a big question mark for impacts both on this year’s test results and for the future, too.