News Release: National spokesman for freedom coming to Louisville

84WHAS talk-show host Mandy Connell helps kick off the Bluegrass Institute’s membership drive

 (LOUISVILLE, Ky.) – Lawrence Reed, president of the Foundation for Economic Education – one of America’s oldest free-market organizations – will be the keynote speaker at a Bluegrass Institute dinner on Monday, Aug. 13, at 6 p.m. at Vincenzo’s Restaurant, 150 South Fifth Street in downtown Louisville.

The event, which will feature special guest Mandy Connell, host of The Mandy Connell Show on 84WHAS weekdays from 9 a.m. to Noon, will kick off the Bluegrass Institute’s 1792- Never out of date radio membership campaign. Click here to purchase tickets.

“Larry Reed is one of the great champions of liberty, free markets and free people,” Connell said. “He is a frequent guest on my show because of his tremendous ability to take complex economic issues and articulate them in a way that inform and engage listeners. I highly recommend him to all my friends and listeners.”

Reed’s writings appear in the nation’s major newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor and USA Today. He also appears as a guest on numerous television programs, including those anchored by Judge Andrew Napolitano and John Stossel.

Reed will speak on “The Difference One Can Make – Unsung Heroes of History.”

“Larry’s presentation will deal with heroes from around the globe who have been great forces for liberty and whose spirit is alive and well today,” said Jim Waters, acting president of the Bluegrass Institute. “Our 1792-Never out of date drive offers freedom-loving Kentuckians the chance to be heroes today by joining the institute and embodying the independent spirit that made our country – and commonwealth – prosperous and free.”