Reduce Government Spending

Government spending is out of control. Kentuckians are faced with a government that indiscriminately wastes taxpayer money with little thought as to where that money comes from.

The only wealth government has is what it takes by force from productive citizens. Resources taken from the private sector for state use only serve to inhibit business owners from investing that money back into the marketplace. All government spending should be scrutinized and be completely transparent to Kentuckians.

Recent examples of irresponsible government spending in Kentucky cities include:

  • Spending $60,000 each day for special legislative sessions.

  • A $23 million Expo center in Corbin, built at the expense of Kentucky taxpayers.

  • $1.2 million spent in Lexington to maintain public golf courses that should be privatized.

  • Louisville received $458 million in “stimulus” funds from the federal government and used it to create only 1,152 jobs after 14 months. That works out to $397, 569.44 per job.