Quote of the Day
Regarding possible state management of the Jefferson County Public School District:
“This should give the people of Jefferson County the most concern. You look at the findings of that audit, which, again, I’ve not heard anyone refute. They are incredible. They’re incredible. There are things going on in the classroom in that district with students that would give anybody in this nation pause.
It should be concerning to the people and the parents of Jefferson County in particular that no one is standing up and saying ‘Oh, no. We’re not doing that to kids.’
Instead, given the findings of that audit, what you hear as the loudest criticism is we ought to have local control. I don’t know if that’s argument that we ought to have local control to do whatever we want with our kids. We ought to have local control to place whatever value we see fit on children to provide a high quality public education to some kids and to throw other kids away. Is that what local control is for?
It should be concerning that the conversation is about local control and not the God-awful things that are happening to children in Jefferson County Public Schools.”
Kentucky Commissioner of Education Wayne Lewis in recent interview with WAVE-3 News.wave3.com-Louisville News, Weather & Sports
Comments in the quote begin at 23.05 into interview. But, we encourage you to listen to the entire interview.