WHAS picks up on our new report on gaps in Louisville and call for charter schools
Pay attention near the end of this 3-minute newscast item to comments from the Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS).
JCPS claims they already knew about the data.
Clearly, major news teams in Louisville did not know. Who was keeping the secret?
Furthermore, if JCPS knew, what actions have they taken in schools like Noe Middle School – where the white minus black reading proficiency gap exceeds 43 percentage points? What specific action has JCPS taken at the Dunn Elementary School – where the math gap is 55.66 percentage points?
Sadly, JCPS only provides an uninspiring, generalist response that sounds just like same old thing we’ve been hearing for the past 22 years whenever someone points to evidence that KERA isn’t working well.
By the way, our report does outline tremendous achievement gaps in Louisville schools today but didn't discuss gap trends over time. Read this short paper for yourself here.