Posts in Center for Open Govern...
Road fund bulletin highlights need for additional pension reform
Center for Open Government: West end partnership starts off on right foot with transparency
Center for Open Government: West Louisville TIF board membership prescribed by Frankfort.
Center for Open Government: Transparency is key to west Louisville TIF establishing long-term legitimacy.
Center for Open Government: Are CARES Act funds creating an appearance of profitability at Jewish Hospital?
Center for Open Government: $19.4 million in CARES Act funds pumped into struggling Jewish Hospital
Center for Open Government: UofL Health renews UMC's $30 million line of credit
2021 Legislative Wrap Up
Bluegrass Institute, Budget, Center for Open Govern..., Education, Education Reform, Labor, News, Reduce Government Spen..., Right to Work, School Choice, State Budget, Taxes, Transparency and Accou..., Featured News, Open Meetings, PensionsGuest User
Guest op-ed: Transparency the cure for cancer of government secrecy
Center for Open Government: SB6 filed in response to consultant's problematic role in MCO bids.
Center for Open Government: UofL Health hoarding $35 million state loan as part of massive cash reserves
Center for Open Government: UofL President didn't disclose $30 million line of credit in front of Senate committee
Center for Open Government: UofL secured "fallback" financing from a private lender while lobbying legislature for taxpayer-backed loan
Center for Open Government: SB87 brings attention to lack of commitment from UofL Health on jobs
Center for Open Government: Louisville Business First raises important questions about UofL Health's finances
Center for Open Government: Humana files lawsuit against state over CHFS bungling of MCO procurement
UofL Health sitting on $320 million in cash; CEO claims it cannot invest in their facilities.
UPDATED: UofL efforts negated job retention requirement as part of taxpayer-backed loan
Center for Open Government: UofL efforts negated job retention requirement as part of taxpayer-backed loan
KYTC rejects $10.5 million in single bid offers from highway industry