Posts in Transparency and Accou...
How’s That???!!! Majority of Kentucky’s students are officially truants!!!!
A helpful hint for public officials: if the action you are contemplating contains the word "secret," it probably violates the open meetings law
About those claims that the US has high poverty
How much do taxpayers really spend on education in Kentucky?
Jumping on a report before reading it (Revised)
Where does Kentucky really rank for child poverty?
Accountability puzzle
Secret Ballots: The Ultimate Affront to Open Government
Bluegrass Institute, Center for Open Govern..., Transparency and Accou..., Secret Ballots, Training Requirements, Preamble, Open MeetingsJim WatersBluegrass Institute, Center for Open Government, Open meetings, preamble, secret ballots, training requirements
Bluegrass Beacon: Coal-hating chickens coming home to roost
Bluegrass Beacon: Objection! Beshear MIA in open-records dispute
Historic First: Charter Schools Advisory Council holds first meeting
Fair is fair
Bluegrass Institute educates the educators -- and they learn the lesson well
Where does California’s STEM workforce come from? Not US schools
Much ado about "something"
Why are teens going to school so early?
Bluegrass Beacon: Spray schemes with transparency disinfectant
Barren County Progress publisher prevails in open records dispute
Bargaining away the public's right to know
Grade inflation: We’re not the only ones seeing it