Posts in Transparency and Accou...
Basking in the sunlight of last week's open records and open meetings victories
Transparency and Accou...Jim WatersBluegrass Institute, Board of Medical Licensure, Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Center for Open Government, House of Representatives, Kentucky State Police, KRS 61-870(1)(h), KRS 61-878(1)(h), Open meetings, open records, Utility Management Group
News Release: AG supports Center for Open Government’s claim that House’s secret meeting violated Open Meetings Act
Bluegrass Institute Center for Open Government files amicus brief in Supreme Court case
Attorney general rules no foul in UofL open meetings challenge, but the public's right to know is penalized
Kentucky’s new charter schools head sounds off
"Much ado about nothing?" The Oldham Circuit Court disagrees.
Digital Learning: Care needed
An Open Letter To: All Individuals Involved with Reworking Kentucky’s Academic Standards
Unringing the bell: why open meetings remedies are often unsatisfactory
AP test taking rises in Kentucky
Government by secret committee: a clear abuse of the public's right to know
Dr. Gary Houchens: Achievement Effects of Scholarship Tax Credits
KPREP achievement gaps for whites minus blacks – High Schools
KPREP achievement gaps for whites minus blacks – Middle Schools
AG rejects Finance argument that secrecy ensures integrity in State Journal open meetings appeal (with an assist from the Bluegrass Institute)
What happened when Minneapolis got some serious school choice?
Presidential searches and police internal investigations: what public agencies must do, may do and should do to promote public trust
Elementary School KPREP achievement gaps for white minus black scores getting worse
Quote of the day
What if Kentucky Raised Its Education Level Just a Little Bit?