Posts in Transparency and Accou...
Beware of the virus of mistrust
If you open schools again, will they come? – Part 2
If you open schools again, will they come?
Which type of school gets more funding – charter or traditional?
Education, Education Reform, Transparency and Accou...Richard Innescharter schools, Education, Jefferson County, NAEP, school choice, School Funding, taxes, testing
How does Jefferson County’s school spending rank among the nation’s largest school districts?
EdWeek Survey: Teachers working less now (Really?) while student interest wanes
Do low-poverty school districts in Kentucky get more money?
Report shows Kentucky gains on NAEP reversed after adoption of Common Core
Regulation governing June 23rd election released – Comments, if needed, must come quickly
MEDIA ALERT. Open-records response: Beshear ignoring his own COVID-19 rules at the Governor's Mansion
Open records appeal: Is the governor’s house following COVID-19 dictates forced on all other Ky. homes?
Traditional public school teacher Tweets that charter kids are best he gets
NPR speculation on how schools might look when they finally reopen
Quote of the Day – Regarding students’ knowledge of US History
Shocking statistics on JCPS busing bias get more disturbing
Transparency critical with 'yooge' amounts of federal dollars flowing into Ky
More on question-stifling with the reconstituted KY Board of Education
Guest Editorial: Happy Easter - You're under arrest!
Suppressing KY Board of Education questions regarding oversight of JCPS isn’t transparency
Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard Innesbusing, Education, JCPS busing policy, Jefferson County, Kentucky Board of Education, Louisville, taxes, Transparency
The Corona Virus and ‘Emergency Remote Teaching’ – The Data