2018 General Assembly — Blog — The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions
Posts tagged 2018 General Assembly
Bluegrass Institute applauds 'heroes of transparency'
Bluegrass Beacon: Judge hides behind black robe of procedure in pension case
Bluegrass Beacon, Pensions2018 General Assembly, Affordable Care Act, Andy Beshear, House Bill 1, Judge Phillip Shepherd, Kentucky Constitution, Pension liability, Sen- Joe Bowen, Senate Bill 151
Who voted to raise your taxes and protect wasteful spending?
Bluegrass Beacon: Intimidated conservatives lose focus
Bluegrass Beacon, Reduce Government Spen..., Taxes, PensionsJim Waters2018 General Assembly, Center for Open Government, charter schools, education spending, Public pension spending, Socialist Party flag, Spending increases, Tax increases, Vetoes
Could there be a Saturday session of the General Assembly?
Senate should hold firm against KyWired bailout
Bluegrass Institute statement regarding House Bill 216
News Release: Solid leadership results in pension bill offering needed reforms during election year
Policy Brief: An analysis of Senate Bill 1
Bluegrass Beacon: How many ways can you say ‘distraction’?
BIPPS' new pension strategy provides benefits, protects taxpayers