Thursday on WEKU: BIPP debates AFL-CIO on right-to-work LaborJim WatersNovember 6, 2015Bill Londrigan, Eastern Standard, Gov--elect Matt Bevin, John Hingsbergen, Kentucky AFL-CIO, right to work, WEKU
Myth-busting the claim that right-to-work destroys unions Labor, Right to WorkJim WatersMarch 6, 2015Bill Londrigan, Indiana right-to-work, Indiana State AFL-CIO, Jeffersonville Ind- News and Tribune, Kentucky AFL-CIO, Uric DufreneComment
Bluegrass Beacon: Unsophisticated claims arise from the soft underbelly Labor, MediaJim WatersOctober 5, 2014America's founding, Bill Londrigan, Handshake with Kentucky, Kentucky AFL-CIO, Status quoComment