Bluegrass Beacon: Right-to-work means more jobs – in suits and boots Economic Revival, Labor, Right to WorkJim WatersJanuary 13, 20172017 General Assembly, Local Right to Work, Rep- Jim DeCesare, Wage growth, Warren Co- J-E Mike Buchanon, Warren CountyComment
Pension transparency: ‘Just’ because taxpayers have the right to know Transparency and Accou..., PensionsJim WatersMarch 15, 2016House Speaker Greg Stumbo, Public pension transparency, Rep- Brent Yonts, Rep- Jim DeCesare, Rep- Mary Lou MarzianComment
News Alert: Monday’s town hall meeting at the National Corvette Museum: Right-to-work works for Kentucky communities Labor, Right to WorkJim WatersMay 15, 2015Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce, Center for Worker Freedom, County Right-to-Work Ordinances, Rep- Jim DeCesare, Sen- Rand Paul, Warren County Comment