Taking liberty to the airwaves: Talking coal and energy on Lexington's 630 WLAP Energy, MediaJim WatersSeptember 16, 2014Attorney General Jack Conway, Ky joins EPA lawsuuit, Leland Conway Show, WLAPComment
(Audio) Jim Waters on WLAP: Cadillac pension benefits attract politicians to Frankfort for the wrong reasons Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller Government, Transparency and Accou..., UncategorizedJim WatersAugust 2, 2013Future Shock, Jim Waters, Public Pensions, WLAPComment
BIPPS to talk Common Core State Standards on WLAP Education, MediaJune 6, 2013CCSS, Richard Innes, WLAPComment
Join President Jim Waters on the Matt Walsh Show on WLAP at 4 p.m. today! Media, UncategorizedJim WatersApril 17, 2013Future Shock Solutions, pension, WLAPComment
Public pension rally in Frankfort MediaFebruary 27, 2013Jim Waters, Public Pension Reform, Steve Frank, WLAPComment
It's a Bluegrass Wednesday on WLAP MediaJim WatersNovember 20, 2012Jim Waters, Matt Walsh, WLAPComment
Taking liberty to the airwaves: Jim Waters to guest host on WLAP today Media, UncategorizedJim WatersMay 21, 2012Jim Waters, WLAPComment
Taking liberty to the airwaves: BIPPS on WLAP MediaJim WatersMay 10, 2012Jim Waters, The Pulse, WLAPComment
Taking liberty to the airwaves: BIPPS on WLAP Media, NewsJim WatersFebruary 9, 2012Jim Waters, Leland Conway, WLAPComment
Taking liberty to the airwaves: BIPPS on WLAP NewsJim WatersDecember 14, 2011Jim Waters, Leland Conway, WLAPComment
Taking liberty to the airwaves: BIPPS on WLAP Reduce Government Spen...Jim WatersOctober 21, 2011media, WLAPComment