Kentucky on the far edge for reading its “reading tests” to learning disabled students Education, NewsRichard InnesNovember 6, 2013NAEP, reading accommodation, testingComment
Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for Colleges and Careers runs headlong into the Kentucky reading assessment problem Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesApril 20, 2013Common Core State Standards, Education, reading accommodation, testingComment
Future High School Dropouts Can Be Spotted By the Fourth Grade, Revisited EducationRichard InnesJanuary 26, 2013Dropouts, reading accommodationComment
To read, or not (Part 4) EducationRichard InnesSeptember 26, 2012reading accommodation, testingComment
To read, or not (Part 3) EducationRichard InnesSeptember 25, 2012reading accommodation, testing Comment
To read, or not (Part 2) EducationRichard InnesSeptember 24, 2012Education, reading accommodation, Students with Learning Disabilities, teachers, testingComment
To read, or not (Part 1) EducationRichard InnesSeptember 23, 2012Education, reading accommodation, Students with Learing Disabilities, testing, TransparencyComment
Some educators still don’t get it about reading kids Kentucky’s reading tests EducationRichard InnesDecember 22, 2011assessments, learning disabled students, reading accommodation, testing Comment