Posts in Economic Revival
Bluegrass Beacon: Kentucky’s new GOP ready to drain the swamp
Letters worth a look: Comparing Louisville to Austin
Bluegrass Beacon: Socialism’s Good (for nothing) Samaritans
Economic RevivalJim WatersActs, Bernie Sanders, capitalism, Christianity, Foundation for Economic Education, Gospels, Jesus, lawrence reed, Socialism, Venezuela
The 'veiled violence' of minimum-wage policies
Bluegrass Beacon - Free employers: Reduce regulatory cesspool
Bluegrass Beacon: Sweet and sour capitalism
Bluegrass Beacon: Warmer economic climates heat up competition for jobs
Economic Revival, Labor, TaxesJim Waters1st Choice Aerospace, Bluegrass Beacon, Chegg Inc-, Columbia HCA, Gov- Rick Perry, Gov- Rick Scott, Individual taxpayer burden, Mayor Greg Fischer, Tax codes, Truth in Accounting
Quote of the day: Celebrating mediocrity
Bluegrass Beacon: Politically inconvenient facts about Ky’s economic comeback
Economic Revival, Media, PensionsJim WatersBIPPS Scholar Brian Strow, BLS, Eileen Norcross, Gov- Steve Beshear, High-school degree jobs, Joe Arnold, Kentucky pension crisis, KET Ky Tonight, Ky earnings, Mercatus Center, Rainy Day Fund, Site Selection, WHAS-TV
The numbers: Ky earnings 'barely back' to where they were when Beshear took office
BIPPS Scholar on 'Kentucky Tonight' @ 8 p.m. today
Bluegrass Beacon: Social worker’s right-to-work ‘research’ is shaky
Economic Revival, Labor, Right to WorkJim WatersAnna Baumann, Boone Co- Judge-Executive Gary Moore, Boone County Fiscal Court, County right-to-work movement, Jim McGraw, Kentucky Center for Economic Policy, Mackinac Center for Public Policy, Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, Trey Grayson, Tri-ED
Right-to-work: Counties need not wait for a legal ‘resolution’
Economic Revival, Labor, Right to WorkJim WatersCounty Right-to-Work Ordinances, Hardin Co- Fiscal Court, Indiana Supreme Court, KACO, Labor unions, Protect My Check, Rockcastle County, Warren County
Bluegrass Beacon: Magazine’s award no reason to pop bubbly
Quote of the day: Economic developers 'significantly hampered'
News Release from Protect My Check: Over 500,000 Kentuckians now protected: Ky’s 4th Largest County Passes Local Right to Work
Economic Revival, Labor, Right to Work, Individual LibertyJim WatersBoone County, Brent Yessin, County Right-to-Work Ordinances, Dan Tobergate, Gary Moore, Jim McGraw, Protect My Check, Trey Grayson
#right2work4ky campaign 90 days later
Kentucky’s fourth-largest county supports right-to-work protections
Bluegrass Beacon: All minimum-wage hikes are not created equal
Minimum Wage Report