Posts tagged Mercatus Center
Bluegrass Beacon - Government broadband: Money pit or silver bullet?
Bluegrass Beacon -- Regulating’s first rule: Help, don’t harm
RegulationJim WatersClean Water Act, Competitive Enterprise Institute, EPA, EpiPen, FDA, Gov- Mitch Daniels, KARS, Mercatus Center, Sen- Rand Paul, U-S- Code of Regulations
Bluegrass Beacon: Politically inconvenient facts about Ky’s economic comeback
Economic Revival, Media, PensionsJim WatersBIPPS Scholar Brian Strow, BLS, Eileen Norcross, Gov- Steve Beshear, High-school degree jobs, Joe Arnold, Kentucky pension crisis, KET Ky Tonight, Ky earnings, Mercatus Center, Rainy Day Fund, Site Selection, WHAS-TV
Mercatus provides great resource on current issues
Mercatus and Bluegrass Scholars report: Kentucky is not economically competitive, Part 2 of 4
Mercatus and Bluegrass Scholars report: Kentucky is not economically competitive, Part 1 of 4
Bluegrass Institute partnered with Mercatus Center today for one great event
Event: Is Kentucky Competitive?
Lower the price of Kentucky's legislature
Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller Government, Transparency and Accou...Jim Watersfiscally centralized, general assembly, legislative research commission, legislature, local projects, Mercatus Center, regular session, special session
Mitchell: The wrong debate!
Monday afternoon links
Video: Policy impact seminar panel discussion
Video: Matthew Mitchell on institutions and state spending
Video: Maurice McTigue on transparency and efficiency
Bluegrass Institute and Mercatus Center Policy Impact Seminar