Posts in Education Reform
Bluegrass Institute supports former state education board members' request to recall, revise social studies standards
Claim KY Ranks in Top 20 for Grade 8 Science Really Doesn’t Hold Up
Quote of the Day - Bad Teaching Is Tearing America Apart
Preparation to teach reading for Kentucky’s elementary teachers is weak
News Release: Kentucky Pastors Coalition endorses ‘School Choice Now Act’
Bluegrass Institute, Education, Education Reform, Increase Free Markets, News, School Choice, Individual LibertyAchievement Gaps, Education, Jefferson County, KPAC, Persistently Low Achieving Schools, Scholarship Tax Credits, school choice, US Senate
Quote of the Day – Kentucky teachers – kind of novices with virtual instruction
Given the chaos with opening of Kentucky’s public schools, do parents have other options?
Court affirms small program, fuels national movement
K to 12 talks about doing distance learning, but why aren’t people checking out Kentucky’s own, 15-year-old distance learning program?
Another Kentucky School Report Card Issue – Just try following the money
Is Florida’s governor crazy? He’s further increasing school choice in his state while Kentucky’s public school types tell us that kills public education
Current environment provides opportunity to advance school choice
Busing madness in Louisville some seem to want to ignore
MEDIA ALERT: Independent citizens’ advisory group needed to safeguard public education dollars
Schools struggling to recover from COVID-19
If you open schools again, will they come? – Part 3
It’s Memorial Day
Maybe this is why Lincoln is NEVER mentioned in Kentucky’s social studies standards
School choice continues to leave Kentucky behind
If you open schools again, will they come?