Taking liberty to Madisonville’s airwaves: BIPPS makes inaugural appearance on WFMW/WKTG MediaJim WatersJuly 13, 2014Bullitt Co- Smoking, Hopkins Co- Smoking Ban, Kentucky Supreme Court, Pat Ballard, Todd P'Pool, WFMW-AM 730 & WKTG 94-9 FMComment
On the air: BIPPS on Louisville's 'Resistance Radio' MediaJim WatersJune 28, 2014970 WGTK-AM, Jim Coyle, Jim Waters, Resistance RadioComment
It’s a Free-Market Friday with BIPPS on the Joe Elliott Show on Louisville’s 970 WGTK-AM MediaJim WatersJune 26, 2014Free-Market Friday, Jim Waters, joe elliott, Ky Supreme Court, smoking bans, WGTK-AMComment
High-court ruling on Bullitt Co. smoking ban more about unelected bureaucrats' role than lighting up MediaJim WatersJune 23, 2014Bullitt County Health Department, Ken Moellman, Ky Supreme Court, Northern Ky Choice, smoking bans, WGTK-AMComment
On the air: BIPPS on Louisville’s ‘Resistance Radio’ MediaJim WatersJune 21, 2014970 WGTK-AM, Jim Coyle, Jim Waters, Resistance RadioComment
Taking liberty to the airwaves: Join BIPPS for a Free-Market Friday on Louisville's 970 WGTK MediaMay 30, 2014970 WGTK, Free-Market Friday, Joe Elliott ShowComment
Post-election analysis: Get government out of the way Media, UncategorizedMay 27, 2014Career politicians, Chad Young, Election analysis, Individual liberty, NewsTalk 93 WKCTComment
Bluegrass Beacon: Lose the drama ... and plans for another legislative session Media, UncategorizedApril 28, 20142014 General Assembly, Bluegrass Beacon, KET Ky Tonight, Rep- Jeff Hoover, Rupp Arena project, Sen- Robert Stivers, special sessionComment
On the air: BIPPS president Jim Waters on 'Kentucky Tonight'...tonight! Media, UncategorizedJim WatersApril 14, 20142014 General Assembly, Jim Waters, Kentucky TonightComment
It's a Free-Market Friday with BIPPS on the Joe Elliott Show on Louisville's 970 WGTK-AM MediaJim WatersApril 11, 2014Free-Market Friday, Jim Waters, joe elliott, WGTK-AMComment
Taking liberty to the airwaves: BIPPS talks school choice on Louisville's 1240 WLLV-AM Education, MediaJim WatersMarch 27, 20141240 WLLV-AM, public charter schools, Senate Bill 211, ViolenceComment
Taking liberty to the airwaves: BIPPS will talk right-to-work on 84WHAS Labor, MediaJim WatersMarch 4, 201484WHAS, Leland Conway, right to work, WBFIComment
BIPPS in the Herald-Leader: Common core standards fall way short Education, MediaJim WatersFebruary 17, 2014Common Core State Standards, Lexington Herald-Leader, Richard InnesComment
Legislator nonsense: we have excellent schools in Jefferson County, so no need for charter schools Education, Media, NewsRichard InnesFebruary 6, 2014charter schools, Education, school choiceComment
Bluegrass Institute welcomes new Vice President of Policy Initiatives Labor, Media, News, Right to Work, Featured NewsJim WatersFebruary 6, 2014labor, News, right to work Comment
Bluegrass Beacon: Smoking out the latest smoking-ban poll MediaJim WatersJanuary 25, 2014Bluegrass Beacon, Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, statewide smoking ban, Statewide smoking ban poll, Susan Zepeda Comment
Taking liberty to Louisville's airwaves: Jim & Joe talk smoking bans on WGTK-AM at 10 a.m. MediaJim WatersJanuary 24, 2014Jim Waters, Joe Elliott Show, smoking bans, WGTK-AMComment
Taking liberty to the airwaves: BIPPS on 84WHAS today at 9 a.m. MediaJim WatersJanuary 21, 201484WHAS, Free Markets, Individual liberty, Jim Waters, Leland Conway, Limited government, Public PensionsComment
Bluegrass Beacon: 2014 Session's first week -- the good, the bad and the ugly Media, Transparency and Accou...Jim WatersJanuary 17, 2014Gov- Beshear, Kentucky General Assembly 2014, minimum wage, Public pension transparency Comments
Bluegrass Beacon: Locals know best how to spend education dollars Education, MediaJim WatersJanuary 3, 2014Bluegrass Beacon, charter schools, education spending, Jim WatersComment