More from #kyga17: Pension transparency bills book-ended busy session
Transparency and Accou..., PensionsJim Waters2017 General Assembly, Judicial Retirement System, KRS, KTRS, Legislative Transparency Pledge, Public Pension Oversight Board, SB 2, SB 3, Sen- Chris McDaniel, Sen- Joe
Bluegrass Beacon: Giving unaffordable pension benefits an economically fatal practice
News Release: Bluegrass Institute Pension Reform Team responds to PFM pension report
BIPPS' pension testimony: It's the benefit structure that's the problem
News Release: Confronting pension crisis calls for reforming benefits structure
News Release – Pension transparency: Elected officials who kept their word
Pension python squeezing Kentucky’s economy
Bluegrass Beacon: Now is not the time for timidity
Bluegrass Beacon: Open government always in vogue
Bluegrass Institute News Release: Transparency a winning issue in Tuesday’s history-making election
Bluegrass Beacon -- Change the culture of secrecy: Pledge transparency
Bluegrass Institute urges legislators to support pension transparency
News release: Dozens sign Bluegrass Institute’s transparency pledge
Legislators, candidates invited to sign pension-transparency pledge
Bluegrass Beacon: Transparency spawns taxpayers' trust
Bluegrass Beacon: Teachers’ pensions and their sick-day pay
Bluegrass Beacon: More pension funding means more accountability
PensionsJim WatersDavid Eager, Dr- Bill Smith, Gov- Matt Bevin, John Farris, Kentucky Government Retirees, KERS, KRS Board, KTRS, Pew Charitable Trusts, Tommy Elliott
BIPPS op-ed: Pension transparency does not violate privacy laws
Bluegrass Beacon: Don’t know a lot about pensions? See a doctor
Bluegrass Beacon: Voice for reform silenced yet still heard
Transparency and Accou..., PensionsJim WatersChris Tobe, Future Shock Pension reform, HB 299, Kentucky Fried Pensions, Kentucky House State Government Commitee, Kentucky Roll Call, lowell reese, Rep- Brent Yonts, SB 2, SB 45