KTRS — Blog — The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions
News Release: Funding a minor contributor to pension crisis
Bluegrass Beacon: Inconvenient truth about teachers’ salaries
Bluegrass Beacon - Clear the air: Reveal retirees’ benefits
More from #kyga17: Pension transparency bills book-ended busy session
Transparency and Accou..., PensionsJim Waters2017 General Assembly, Judicial Retirement System, KRS, KTRS, Legislative Transparency Pledge, Public Pension Oversight Board, SB 2, SB 3, Sen- Chris McDaniel, Sen- Joe
Bluegrass Beacon: Teachers’ pensions and their sick-day pay
Bluegrass Beacon: More pension funding means more accountability
PensionsJim WatersDavid Eager, Dr- Bill Smith, Gov- Matt Bevin, John Farris, Kentucky Government Retirees, KERS, KRS Board, KTRS, Pew Charitable Trusts, Tommy Elliott
Bluegrass Beacon - Teachers and their pensions: Doing the math
Bluegrass Beacon: Clear case for pension transparency takes bizarre turn
Education, Transparency and Accou..., PensionsJim WatersBrent McKim, Chris Tobe, JCTA, KEA, KTRS, Pension transparency, Randolph Wieck, Rep- Brent Yonts, Rep- Jim Wayne, Stephanie Winkler
Bluegrass Beacon: Pension gain, budget pain