Bluegrass Beacon: House GOP shows solidarity, challenges the status quo Reduce Government Spen..., PensionsJim WatersMarch 25, 20162017-18 State Budget, Gov- Matt Bevin, Gov- Steve Beshear, House Democrats, House Republicans, Kynect, Medicaid expansion, Public PensionsComment
Kentucky's public pension crisis has come a long way in a short amount of time PensionsJim WatersFebruary 14, 20162017-18 State Budget, Future Shock, Kentucky's pension crisisComment
Bluegrass Beacon: Pension gain, budget pain Reduce Government Spen..., PensionsJim WatersFebruary 14, 20162017-18 State Budget, Gov- Matt Bevin, KERS, KTRS, Outcomes-based funding Comments