Posts in Transparency and Accou...
KentuckyWired: Still suffering from the secrecy virus
Rubber stamping public agencies’ denials of records requests
Bensenhaver's work recognized
UofL Foundation audit exposes willful obstruction of open records act
What education accountability can (and cannot) do, Part II
Mississippi fires testing contractor who made serious mistakes
Ambiguity allows officials to use tech toys, dodge sunshine laws
Florida charter schools outperform
Will digital learning replace teachers with others?
Common Core: Costs versus education performance in Kentucky
BIPPS op-ed in Herald-Leader: Sunshine laws 'showing their age'
KY Board of Ed gets bad news about projected math proficiency to 2030
Where public funds go, the public’s interest still follows
What happens when your school accountability program misses important problems
News Release: Bluegrass Institute report stresses the need to modernize Kentucky’s sunshine laws
More from #kyga17: Pension transparency bills book-ended busy session
Transparency and Accou..., PensionsJim Waters2017 General Assembly, Judicial Retirement System, KRS, KTRS, Legislative Transparency Pledge, Public Pension Oversight Board, SB 2, SB 3, Sen- Chris McDaniel, Sen- Joe
Principals indeed should lead, but Kentucky’s SBDM laws interfere with that
Kentucky’s ‘Academic Standards Review and Revision Process’ gets under way
Bluegrass Beacon: ‘Sorry’ no longer sufficient
Holding public records hostage