Posts in Transparency and Accou...
KY State education board approves charter school regulations
"Happy birthday to my [open records] request!"
Kentucky Supreme Court quickly and correctly resolves Danville open meetings dispute
New schools data shows social promotion to high school diplomas remains a problem
Kentucky’s disappointing new test results – other voices – Louisville
Kentucky’s disappointing new test results – other voices – Northern Kentucky
New Kentucky Testing Scores – Looks like trouble for Common Core and a lot more
More from the Twittersphere
Rick Pitino, Bobby Knight and the meetings that sealed their fates
Update on what US Census shows about changes in education funding in Kentucky since KERA began - 2017
How’s That???!!! Majority of Kentucky’s students are officially truants!!!! – Part 2
Good news and bad news in the struggle for open government
Franklin Circuit Court judge instructs reporters on the importance of the open records law.
How’s that? With SBDMs Kentucky doesn’t really have any public schools?
New ACT results show Common Core not meeting promises to many Kentucky’s students
Bluegrass Beacon: Legislators boost, judge busts liberty
Center for Open Govern..., Legal, Taxes, Transparency and Accou..., PensionsJim WatersAmish farmer Sam Girod, Eric Conn, FDA overregulation, Federal Judge Danny Reeves, JCPS Board open meetings case, Public Pension Reform, Tax ref
How does Kentucky rank against other states on the ACT?
How did Kentucky’s non-public school students do on the ACT in 2017?
ACT scores are out – Other voices on the gaps
ACT scores are out – Kentucky’s public school gaps also are problem