The Open Meetings and Open Records Laws: A Citizens’ Bill of Rights Transparency and Accou...Jim WatersMarch 12, 2018Comment
Curing the winter doldrums: a week-long celebration of sunshine Transparency and Accou..., UncategorizedJim WatersMarch 11, 2018Bluegrass Institute, Center for Open Government, Open meetings, open records, Sunshine WeekComment
Bluegrass Institute statement regarding House Bill 216 Center for Open Govern..., Transparency and Accou..., Open MeetingsJim WatersMarch 8, 20182018 General Assembly, Built-to-Suit selection committee, Finance and Administration Cabinet, HB 216, House State Government Committee, Legislative Testimony Comment
Kentucky legislators have an opportunity to be a hero to their taxpayers by supporting scholarship state tax credits Bluegrass Institute, Education, Media, News, School Choice, State Budget, Taxes, Transparency and Accou..., Featured NewsJim WatersMarch 8, 2018Comment
Is homeschooling in Kentucky under attack? Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesMarch 7, 2018Common Core State Standards, Education, Homeschooling, school choice Comments
Public protection, professional licensee misconduct, and private admonishments: why we opposed HB 465, Section 11 Transparency and Accou...Jim WatersMarch 6, 2018Bluegrass Institute, Center for Open Government, HB 465, private admonishment, Professional licensure boardsComment
There always seems to be “The rest of the story” with Kentucky education Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesMarch 2, 2018NAEPComment
School spending transparency – When are we going to get it? Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesMarch 1, 2018Education, Lots More Money Not Getting Better Education, School Funding, School Funding in Kentucky Comments
Pike County Schools takes bold action on school security Education, News, Transparency and Accou..., Training RequirementsRichard InnesFebruary 28, 2018Armed Teachers, Education, POST, Protecting our Students and Teachers, School Safety, School SecurityComment
Kentucky still struggling to comply with federal ESSA Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesFebruary 21, 2018Education, KPREPComment
Why do our schools consistently avoid the most successful teaching approach of all? Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesFebruary 19, 2018Common Core State Standards, Direct Instruction, Education, Next Generation Science StandardsComment
Quote of the Day Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesFebruary 15, 2018charter schools, school choiceComment
Why Kentucky should not delay charter schools – Evidence from New York City schools Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesFebruary 11, 2018charter schools, school choiceComment
Why Kentucky should not delay charter schools Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesFebruary 10, 2018charter schools, NAEP, school choiceComment
How is Kentucky’s education system really performing? Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesFebruary 9, 2018Education, NAEP, testingComment
Prescription reimbursement policies: Use scalpels, not sledgehammers Transparency and Accou..., Health CareJim WatersFebruary 7, 2018BIPPS Policy Brief, Independent pharmacists, Pharmacy Benefits Managers, Prescription drug policy, Senate Bill 5 Comments
Surprise! Kentucky’s average teacher salary ranks a lot higher than you probably thought Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesFebruary 6, 2018taxes, teachers Comments
A state secret or a secret from the state: technology as an obstacle to the public's right to know Bluegrass Institute, Center for Open Govern..., Transparency and Accou...Jim WatersFebruary 5, 2018emerging technology, Missouri initiatives, open recordsComment
Kentucky’s student poverty – not as much as you think Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesFebruary 4, 2018Education, Student PovertyComment
A possible clue about big achievement gaps in some Jefferson County schools? Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesFebruary 2, 2018Achievement Gaps, JCPS, Jefferson CountyComment