Quote of the Day – Even Recent NAEP Tests Indicate Problems with Social Studies Education, Education Reform, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesOctober 5, 2020Social Studies Standards
Former KY school finance officer gets 5-years in prison for stealing money from schools Education, Education Reform, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesOctober 4, 2020Education Financial Accounting, school embezzlement
Quote of the Day – The Atlantic Also Bemoans the Mess with Social Studies Education, Education Reform, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesOctober 3, 2020Social Studies Standards
Quote of the Day – Teaching History’s Been in Decline for Decades Education, Education Reform, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesOctober 2, 2020Social Studies Standards
Quote of the Day – Why Social Studies Standards Matter Education, Education Reform, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesOctober 1, 2020Jacqueline Coleman, Social Studies Standards
Claim KY Ranks in Top 20 for Grade 8 Science Really Doesn’t Hold Up Education, Education Reform, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesSeptember 23, 2020Achievement Gaps, Education, Kentucky's NAEP Ranking, NAEP
Quote of the Day - Bad Teaching Is Tearing America Apart Education, Education Reform, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesSeptember 16, 2020Content Vs- Skills in Education, knowledge, Social Studies Standards
Preparation to teach reading for Kentucky’s elementary teachers is weak Education, Education Reform, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesSeptember 15, 2020Achievement Gaps, Reading Instruction, teachers
It’s 9/11 Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesSeptember 11, 20202001, 9/11, September 11, Social Studies Standards
Budget balancing reality check: A look behind the curtain for Kentucky's taxpayers State Budget, Transparency and Accou...Guest UserSeptember 10, 2020
Former KY Board of Education member says state’s social studies standards need work Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesSeptember 1, 2020BIPPS Scholar Gary Houchens, Houchens, Social Studies Standards
Unmask COVID-19 funding for states Bluegrass Beacon, Transparency and Accou...August 21, 2020COVID-19, Federal bailout, Paycheck Protection Program, Pension reform
Center for Open Government: Delayed release of responsive documents further undermines confidence in MCO procurement Center for Open Govern..., Transparency and Accou...Guest UserAugust 17, 2020
Center for Open Government: MCO consultant not part of Molina's original bid Center for Open Govern..., Transparency and Accou...Guest UserAugust 11, 2020
Quote of the Day – Kentucky teachers – kind of novices with virtual instruction Education, Education Reform, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesAugust 10, 2020COVID-19 and School Reopening, Education, Novice Teachers, Novice Teaching, teachers, Teachers Novice at Distance Learning
Does the school superintendent work for the school board, or vice-versa? Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesAugust 4, 2020COVID-19 and School Reopening, Education, Local Control of Schools
Given the chaos with opening of Kentucky’s public schools, do parents have other options? Education, Education Reform, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesAugust 3, 2020BAVEL, Digital Learning, Education, school choice
Center for Open Government: Procurement protest points to more questions about MCO contracts Center for Open Govern..., Transparency and Accou...Guest UserAugust 3, 2020
UPDATED: List of KYTC single-bid contracts by contractor State Budget, Taxes, Transparency and Accou..., TransportationGuest UserJuly 30, 2020
BIPPS Analysis: Kentucky Transportation Cabinet awarded $186.9 million in single bid contracts over six-month period State Budget, Taxes, Transparency and Accou..., TransportationGuest UserJuly 28, 2020