KYTC awards two single-bid contracts, both under estimated project costs Transparency and Accou..., TransportationGuest UserNovember 3, 2020
KYTC rejects $10.5 million in single bid offers from highway industry Transparency and Accou..., Transportation, Uncategorized, Center for Open Govern...Guest UserOctober 27, 2020
BIPPS Analysis: Kentucky Transportation Cabinet shows progress on single-bid road contracts Transparency and Accou..., Transportation, UncategorizedGuest UserOctober 12, 2020
UPDATED: List of KYTC single-bid contracts by contractor State Budget, Taxes, Transparency and Accou..., TransportationGuest UserJuly 30, 2020
BIPPS Analysis: Kentucky Transportation Cabinet awarded $186.9 million in single bid contracts over six-month period State Budget, Taxes, Transparency and Accou..., TransportationGuest UserJuly 28, 2020
Historic unemployment, struggling families won't deter the higher gas-tax crowd State Budget, Taxes, Transportation, Uncategorized, BudgetGuest UserJune 4, 2020
Even Democrat Polling Firm Finds Strong Support for School Choice Education, News, TransportationRichard InnesJanuary 25, 2018charter schools, Scholarship Tax Credits, school choice, School vouchersComment
Great primer on school choice at the School Leader Blog Education, TransportationRichard InnesFebruary 5, 2017Achievement Gaps, charter schools, school choiceComment
Call to Action: P3 bill may not have tolls, but taxpayers need more protection TransportationJim WatersMarch 29, 2016Brent Spence Bridge, Cost-benefit analysis, Crony Capitalism, House Bill 309, Non-compete clauses, Public-private partnerships, Rep- Joe Fischer, TollsComment
Bluegrass Beacon: Send proposed public-private legislation down the road Regulation, TransportationJim WatersFebruary 20, 2016Brent Spence Bridge, East End Bridge, Joe Meyer, NKy United, Orange Co- Riverside Freeway, Public-private partnerships, Rep- Leslie Combs, TollsComment
OKI’s claim that Cincy Eastern Bypass would cost twice that of a new bridge: Wholly unsubstantiated, defies common sense Reduce Government Spen..., TransportationJim WatersFebruary 10, 2016Brent Spence Bridge, Cincy Eastern Bypass, Gov- Matt Bevin, Joe Meyer, Mark Policinski, NKyUnited, OKI, state budgetComment
Homebuilder’s road-building proposal saves taxpayers billions, relieves congestion and drives economic development in NKy TransportationJim WatersNovember 16, 2015Cincy Eastern Bypass, Congestion, Fischer, I-275, I75/71, OKI, Tolls Comments