Naughty to nice: A gift idea for UofL Bluegrass Beacon, Center for Open Govern..., Health Care, Open Records, School ChoiceJim WatersDecember 24, 2022UofL-Jewish Hospital, HB 563 lawsuit
Use COVID-19 crisis to make good spending decisions Bluegrass Beacon, State BudgetApril 8, 2020COVID-19, Kentucky Wired, state budget, UofL-Jewish Hospital
Bluegrass Beacon: Frankfort should butt out of private-sector’s purview Bluegrass Beacon, Broadband, Health CareFebruary 21, 2020KentuckyWired, Open Fiber Kentucky, UofL-Jewish Hospital
Ky. House increases debt burden to bail out Jewish Hospital Health CareFebruary 12, 2020State debt burden, UofL-Jewish Hospital
Ousted KBE members take stand; hospital ruse offers ‘myopic malarkey’ Bluegrass Beacon, Education, State BudgetFebruary 8, 2020Kentucky Board of Education, UofL-Jewish Hospital
No taxpayer-financed bailout for sick hospital! Health CareJim WatersJanuary 25, 2020Louisville Forum, UofL-Jewish Hospital
Should the state loan U of L millions of taxpayer dollars to purchase fiscally failing Jewish Hospital? Health CareJim WatersJanuary 24, 2020Louisville Forum, UofL-Jewish Hospital
Bluegrass Beacon: Loan for failing hospital a bad deal for taxpayers Bluegrass Beacon, Reduce Government Spen...Jim WatersNovember 24, 2019UofL-Jewish Hospital
Bluegrass Beacon: Don’t force taxpayers to finance failing projects Bluegrass Beacon, News, Taxes, Health CareOctober 25, 2019Gov- Matt Bevin, KentuckyOne Health, Neeli Bendaudi, Senate President Robert Stivers, Speaker David Osborne, UofL-Jewish Hospital