2021 Legislative Wrap Up
Bluegrass Institute, Budget, Center for Open Govern..., Education, Education Reform, Labor, News, Reduce Government Spen..., Right to Work, School Choice, State Budget, Taxes, Transparency and Accou..., Featured News, Open Meetings, PensionsGuest User
Fearmongering fails, Ky families and new teachers win
Psst! School funding involves a lot more than SEEK!
As Kentucky’s public school budget get debated – Interesting data on public Vs. private school costs in Kentucky
If we’re talking about impacts of school choice, let’s look at real examples – More on Kentucky and Florida
One day, two policies: Bluegrass Institute’s major objectives move forward in the Kentucky General Assembly
Legislators pass disastrous school bill
Evidence growing: COVID has “Drastic,” adverse impacts on Kentucky education
What is School Choice and why doesn't Kentucky have it?
Education Reform, Education, School ChoiceGuest Userschool choice, school choice week, charter schools, charters, scholarship tax credits, learning pods, open enrollment, vouchers, education, education opportunity
Happy Thanksgiving
Is Kentucky’s government hip pocketing money meant for kids?
Great monologue on Lincoln’s life
Charter schools in Atlanta do much better for black students for half the cost
WLKY gets Lincoln and his Gettysburg Address. Why don’t Kentucky’s social studies standards?
School-level financial reporting – Why we need it
MEDIA ALERT: Report finds credibility issues, minimal information in Kentucky’s new school financial reports
Quote of the Day – Plus – On kids don’t know World War II history
Quote of the Day – Plus – Kentucky teacher trying to cope with state’s horrible social studies standards
It’s Veterans Day
What Louisville's Black Leaders Say About Their Schools – William Mansfield