Posts in Increase Free Markets
Is an 'innovative and nimble' plan possible without right to work, tax reform?
Iron Lady
Video: State imposed smoking ban debated on KET
Update on UK's free-market housing solution
P.J. O'Rourke on Occupy Wall Street and fairness
To blog or not to blog
Quote of the day on America's digital delivery: Government should 'butt out and let the market work the magic'
Taking liberty to the airwaves: BIPPS president and CEO on Lexington’s ‘Kruser and Krew’
How should we measure 'productivity' in the legislature?
Taking liberty to the airwaves: BIPPS' inaugural appearance Tuesday on Nelson County's 'Brooks & Co.' radio show
Prohibition repeal day
So long, ear X-tacy
Danville Chamber Panel
Education, Increase Free Markets, Media, News, Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller Government, Transparency and Accou...Jim Waterscarmen coleman, david adkisson, education reform, terry holliday
Election day changes nothing for BIPPS
Antidumping rules, 'green jobs' and Dow Corning
A free-market victory at UK!
The Peril of Compromise
Increase Free Markets, Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller Government, Transparency and Accou...Jim WatersAEI, Affordable Care Act, American Enterprise Institute, Dodd-Frank, John Boehner, John Yarmuth, ObamaCare, Ronald Reagan
Increase Free Markets
Be wary of "pro-business" politicians
Free-market solutions to web censorship?