Posts in Increase Free Markets
Friedman on choice and vouchers
What is greed?
Op-Ed takes on criticisms of ALEC
Bluegrass Institute joins coalition, speaks out against EPA overreach
Celebrating Milton Friedman
Celebrating Milton Friedman
Kentucky pension system unfortunately makes another top-10 list
Health care reform - take action!
Ally of the Bluegrass Institute on CBS Evening News
Court’s ruling upholding Obama’s health care policy could deepen the nation’s - and Kentucky's - debt hole
‘1-percent’ argument doesn’t work for coal mining, either
Energy, Increase Free Markets, News, Smaller GovernmentJim Waterscoal, coal mining, Energy, EPA, jobs, mining, war on coal
History repeats: pension funding potentially even worse
KEA, please take note
Video: Institute for Justice discusses the Individual Mandate
Taking liberty on the road: Jim Waters in Bardstown tonight
Cigarette taxes again? Can we see a real solution, please?
Cafe Hayek on public-sector labor unions
News alert: Bluegrass Institute releases new policy brief discouraging costly state health exchange
Institute for Justice takes on Certificate of Need
VIDEO: Liberty Awards