Bluegrass Beacon: Fiscal cliff is not steep enough to sway true conservatives MediaDecember 7, 2012Bluegrass Beacon, Fiscal Cliff, Jim WatersComment
BIPPS on WHAS and KET today MediaDecember 3, 2012Bluegrass Monday, Fiscal Cliff, Jim Waters, Kentucky Tonight, KET, WHASComment
Fiscal cliff notes compose ominous melodies Media, Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller GovernmentNovember 30, 2012Bluegrass Beacon, board of scholars, Eric Schansberg, Fiscal CliffComment
It's a Bluegrass Wednesday on WLAP MediaJim WatersNovember 20, 2012Jim Waters, Matt Walsh, WLAPComment
Find the silver lining in dark election cloud MediaNovember 19, 2012Bluegrass Beacon, Bluegrass Institute, Jim WatersComment
BIPPS, Heritage Foundation join forces to promote freedom, sovereignty ahead of vice presidential debate Media, News, Featured NewsJim WatersOctober 10, 2012Bluegrass Institute, Centre College, Danville, Jim Waters, KY, VP DebateComment
It's a Bluegrass Monday on 84WHAS MediaJim WatersOctober 8, 2012Jim Waters, Kentucky 1792, Mandy Connell, WHASComment
BIPPS education analyst to discuss test scores on WHAS MediaSeptember 30, 2012JCPS, Richard Innes, WHASComment
Video: Jim Waters discusses the federal budget on KET Media, Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller GovernmentJim WatersSeptember 11, 2012federal budget, Jim Waters, Kentucky Tonight, KET Comment
Taking liberty to the airwaves: It's a Bluegrass Monday on 84WHAS MediaJim WatersSeptember 10, 2012Jim Waters, Mandy Connell, WHASComment
Reason to give #24: Unbridled liberty on social media Increase Free Markets, Media, Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller GovernmentJim WatersSeptember 5, 2012Kentucky 1792, social mediaComment
Reason to give #28: Education reality Education, Media, NewsJim WatersAugust 29, 2012Kentucky 1792Comment
Kentucky 1792 radio ad Media, NewsJim WatersAugust 28, 2012Kentucky 1792, Mandy Connell, radio, WHASComment
Taking liberty to the airwaves: BIPPS on Nelson County’s ‘Brooks & Co.’ radio show today! Media, UncategorizedJim WatersAugust 14, 2012Bardstown, Jim Brooks, Jim WatersComment
'Bluegrass Monday'on 84WHAS today! Larry Reed speaks tonight in Louisville! Media, NewsJim WatersAugust 13, 2012Bluegrass Mondays on 84WHAS, kentucky1792, Larry Reed, Mandy ConnellComment