MEDIA ALERT: News Conference on Thursday, Oct. 29, to oppose proposed resataurant tax increase in Shelbyville
Innes going live on WLLV Friday morning
News release: Bluegrass Institute releases online report addressing Kentucky Education’s shaky ‘college and career readiness’ statistics
On the air September 28: Another ‘Bluegrass Monday’ with Mandy Connell on 840 WHAS
National Great Communicators competition will have a Kentucky participant!
Innes to talk with Mandy Connell on WHAS 840 tonight
BIPPS’ Innes discusses Common Core on air Monday
Bluegrass Beacon: Politically inconvenient facts about Ky’s economic comeback
Economic Revival, Media, PensionsJim WatersBIPPS Scholar Brian Strow, BLS, Eileen Norcross, Gov- Steve Beshear, High-school degree jobs, Joe Arnold, Kentucky pension crisis, KET Ky Tonight, Ky earnings, Mercatus Center, Rainy Day Fund, Site Selection, WHAS-TV
Publisher, councilman and successful businessman was a friend of the Bluegrass Institute
BIPPS Scholar on 'Kentucky Tonight' @ 8 p.m. today
Kentucky Tonight Follow-Up – How do Kentucky’s taxpayers really perform for education?
Kentucky Tonight Follow-Up – What’s the real story on Kentucky’s College and Career Readiness?
Innes to appear on Kentucky Tonight Monday
Kentucky teachers on Common Core problems someone might not want you to hear about
Test publisher monitoring social media to catch kids in test compromises!
Liberty’s boosters & busters, courtesy of the Kentucky Legislature
In the media: Responding to the State of the Commonwealth speech
Media alert: Governor offers 'alternate reality' of Ky's dire condition
Right-to-work: Coming to a Kentucky county near you
Fulton County ignores union threats, Frankfort's political squabbles and passes right-to-work