Why battle poverty when you can have a war on coal? Energy, Smaller GovernmentAugust 23, 2013coal Comment
New ALEC report mirrors Bluegrass Institute's "Future Shock" Smaller GovernmentJim WatersAugust 15, 2013Public Pension ReformComment
(Audio) Jim Waters on WLAP: Cadillac pension benefits attract politicians to Frankfort for the wrong reasons Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller Government, Transparency and Accou..., UncategorizedJim WatersAugust 2, 2013Future Shock, Jim Waters, Public Pensions, WLAPComment
Free speech assaulted by Kentucky's attorney general News, Smaller GovernmentJim WatersJuly 18, 2013freedom of speech, occupational licensingComment
‘Freedom’: An overused word with enduring principles Increase Free Markets, Smaller GovernmentJuly 11, 2013Bluegrass Beacon, Jim Waters Comment
Minimum wage the key to alleviating poverty? You must be dreaming Smaller GovernmentJuly 2, 2013Bluegrass Beacon, Jim Waters, minimum wageComment
What is YOUR share of Kentucky's debt? Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller GovernmentJim WatersJune 24, 2013Kentuckians Need to Know, State debtComment
The Invention of the Airplane and the Spirit of Entrepreneurship Smaller GovernmentRichard InnesJune 22, 2013Private Sector Versus Government CreativityComment
Letter: Kentucky should take pride in governing itself Energy, Smaller GovernmentJim WatersJune 17, 2013coal, EPA, Lexington Herald-LeaderComment
Pension reform & political will Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller GovernmentJim WatersJune 5, 2013cn|2, Future Shock, Pension reformComment
The market, not agriculture bureaucrats, should decide winners and losers Smaller GovernmentJim WatersJune 4, 2013agriculture, government picking winners and losersComment
News Alert: Bluegrass Institute energy report: EPA regulation proposals ‘redundant’ Energy, Smaller GovernmentJim WatersMay 15, 2013Bluegrass Energy Report, board of scholars, News AlertComment
Action Alert: We need your help on KET tonight! Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller Government, Transparency and Accou...Jim WatersMay 13, 2013Future Shock, Kentucky Tonight, KET, Pension reformComment
Kentucky to the EPA: ‘Man up’ or shut up Smaller GovernmentMay 9, 2013Bluegrass Beacon, EPA, Jim Waters, Mitch McConnellComment
What does economic freedom have to do with poverty? Increase Free Markets, Smaller GovernmentMay 8, 2013board of scholars, Stephan GohmannComment
The Crime of Whitening Teeth with Over-the-Counter Products Increase Free Markets, Right to Work, Smaller Government, Transparency and Accou...Jim WatersApril 30, 2013angela c- erickson, dentistry, economic liberty, Institute for Justice, paul sherman, tooth whitening Comment
‘Political courage’ should be more than a cheesy catch-phrase Increase Free Markets, Smaller GovernmentJim WatersApril 26, 2013Bluegrass BeaconComment
Lawmakers' choice: Take steps to reduce public-pension benefits and beneficiaries, or watch the system collapse Smaller Government, UncategorizedJim WatersApril 25, 2013Public Pension ReformComment
Kentucky is stressed -- pensions to blame? Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller GovernmentJim WatersApril 24, 2013Future Shock, Pension reform, Public Pensions Comment
Quote of the day: Who do we point the finger at? Increase Free Markets, Smaller GovernmentJim WatersApril 23, 2013Comment