Posts in Transparency and Accou...
KYTC awarded $208 million in single-bid contracts (exceeding their engineer's estimates) in 2021
Center for Open Government: UofL Health provides details on how $35 million taxpayer-backed loan was spent
New report puts Kentucky in top ten least transparent states
BIPPS testimony & presentation to the interim Transportation Committee about KYTC's single-bid contracts
Center for Open Government: Who was involved in creating the west end TIF remains an open question
KYTC awarded $16.5 million in single-bid contracts exceeding their engineer's estimates in September
Center for Open Government: West End Opportunity Partnership meeting on Wednesday.
Road fund bulletin highlights need for additional pension reform
KYTC awarded $33.3 million in single-bid contracts exceeding their engineer's estimates in August
BIPPS and Brooks: Legislators should think in terms of school-level control
MEDIA ALERT: Bluegrass Institute issues statement on next week’s special legislative session
Center for Open Government: West end partnership starts off on right foot with transparency
Legislative chicanery aids harmful policies
Center for Open Government: Transparency is key to west Louisville TIF establishing long-term legitimacy.
Center for Open Government: Are CARES Act funds creating an appearance of profitability at Jewish Hospital?
KYTC has awarded single-bid projects in more than one-third of Kentucky's counties
Incompetence on the loose in Frankfort
2021 Legislative Wrap Up
Bluegrass Institute, Budget, Center for Open Govern..., Education, Education Reform, Labor, News, Reduce Government Spen..., Right to Work, School Choice, State Budget, Taxes, Transparency and Accou..., Featured News, Open Meetings, PensionsGuest User
HB 249: Slimy fat in a slippery pot
Guest op-ed: Transparency the cure for cancer of government secrecy