It’s Memorial Day Education, Education Reform, School Choice, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesMay 25, 2020Education, Memorial Day, school choice, Social Studies Standards
Maybe this is why Lincoln is NEVER mentioned in Kentucky’s social studies standards Education, Education Reform, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesMay 22, 2020charter schools, Education, homeschool, Homeschooling, school choice, Social Studies Standards
Quote of the Day – Regarding students’ knowledge of US History Education, Education Reform, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesApril 23, 2020Education, NAEP, Social Studies Standards
It’s a great time to see if your child has learned important content Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesMarch 26, 2020Common Core State Standards, Education, Next Generation Science Standards, Social Studies Standards
Talk about irony! Look at what the Kentucky Department of Education posted for President’s Day! Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesFebruary 17, 2020Education, Social Studies Standards
Getting critical thinking wrong Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesJanuary 10, 2020Education, Social Studies Standards
Do the Common Core State Standards live on in Kentucky? Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesDecember 7, 2019Common Core State Standards, Education Standards, Social Studies Standards, Transparency
Prichard Committee admits new social studies standards have “lean” content coverage Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesAugust 14, 2019Education, Social Studies Standards
A bad week for public school students Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesJuly 10, 2019Education, Social Studies Standards, unions Comments
Time is running out for you to request better social studies standards for our kids Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesJune 29, 2019Social Studies, Social Studies StandardsComment
A lively night on education on KET – What can legislators really do? Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesJune 19, 2019Education, Kentucky Tonight, Social Studies Standards Comments
Social Studies curriculum materials used in Kentucky under fire Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesJune 14, 2019Education, Social Studies, Social Studies Curriculum, Social Studies StandardsComment
It’s the 75th anniversary of D-Day, but Kentucky’s proposed social studies standards don’t ever mention it UncategorizedRichard InnesJune 6, 2019D-Day, Social Studies Standards, world war iiComment
So, what is being taught in Kentucky’s classrooms? Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesMay 29, 2019curriculum, News Coverage, Social Studies StandardsComment
School-Based Decision-Making (SBDM) and Kentucky’s proposed social studies standards Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesMay 25, 2019sbdm, SBDM Councils, School Councils, Social Studies StandardsComment
Quote of the Day – Skills Vs. Content in Education Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesMay 24, 2019Social Studies StandardsComment
Will future Kentucky students understand and appreciate Memorial Day? Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesMay 23, 2019Social Studies StandardsComment
Why does the POW/MIA flag fly in every Kentucky rest stop while Vietnam is never mentioned in the state’s social studies standards revision? UncategorizedRichard InnesMay 21, 2019Education, Social Studies StandardsComment
Quote of the Day – What we don’t hear about education Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesMay 14, 2019quote of the day, Social Studies StandardsComment
Final action on the deficient social studies standards revision starts in the legislature tomorrow Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesMay 13, 2019Social Studies Standards Comments